Resources for Growing Grapes in Montana
Informational Sites
Western Agricultural Research Center
Grape Breeding and Enology: University of Minnesota
Viticulture: Michigan State University
Papers and Research
Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture: Provides a realistic picture of the process and what it takes to be successful by using web-based decision-making tools.
Considering A Vineyard?: Dr. Paul Domoto, Professor of Fruits, Nuts, & Fruit Trees Iowa State University
“Montana’s Grape & Wine Industry”: Larry Robertson, Nebraska Vita Nord Presentation, USDA, Dept. Natural Resources Conservation, Soil Conservationist
Cultivating Marquette Like Vinifera: by Bill Ward
Marquette: A Grape Worth Getting to Know: Napa Valley Register
Growing Grapes in Montana: MSU Extension
Seeing Past the Piquette Fence: Dr. Andrej Svyantek and Dr. Zhouyu Wang
Fruit Wines: Dr. Zhouyu Wang
Grapevine Crop Load and Canopy Management for Cool Climates:
Dr. Andrej Svyantek, Dr. Zhouyu Wang, Dr. Zach Miller
2021 Montana Vineyard Survey: Dr. Zach Miller
Growing High Quality Cold Climate Grape Varieties: Annie Klodd
Fruit Production: Business Planning, Variety Selection, and Crop/Pest Management: MSU-WARC
Heard it through the Grapevine, Trunk Disease; it’s enough to make you lose your mind: Michael L. White
Achieving Sustainability in Montana Vineyards and Orchards: Dr. Terence Bradshaw
Viticultural Practices to Improve Fruit Quality in Hybrid Grapevines and The NDSU Grape Breeding Program: Syvantek et al.
Itasca: A Winemaker’s Grape for Cold Climates: Matt Clark
Resources for Vineyards and Wineries in Montana: Dr. Zach Miller & Steph Hystad
Vineyard Practices for Crop Yield & Quality: Markus Keller
Cold Climate Wine Grape Disease Management Based On Cultivar Susceptibility and Fungicide Sensitivity: Patricia McManus
Developing New Cold Resistant Grape Varieties for a Changing Climate: Tom Plocher, 2017
Managing Vines for Sun Exposure and Quality of the Crop: Tom Plocher, 2015
Full Overhead Bird Netting: Bob Thaden, 2015