Resources for Making Wine in Montana
Papers and Research
Informational Sites
Northern Grapes Project – Presentations from Symposium
Montana Department of Revenue: Domestic Winery License, state of Montana
Yeast Strains and their Effects During Fermentation: Darren Michaels
Practical Juice and Wine Analysis
Oxygen, Friend and Foe: Darren Michaels
A Vibrant Wine Industry in Iowa. Is Montana Next?: Michael L. White
A new grape and wine industry: things to consider as you grow: Tom Plocher
Constraints and Opportunities in Growing Apples for the Cider Market: Dr. Terence Bradshaw
NW Cider 2017 Report – State of NW Industry
Cidery Startup Operations and Facility Design: Nick Gunn, Benchgraft Consulting
Message in a Bottle: The Chemistry of Grapes and Wine: Greg Cook, 4e Winery
Making Fruit Wine: Bob Thaden